Beethoven is like a diamond, he started learning music at a very young age from renowned
musicians of those times. With his glowing inside ready to be unleashed, he captured the
attention of several famous musicians and made his first public
appearance at Vienna in 1795 where he was to play his own work. This was
followed by a tour to Prague, Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin. He had
debuted with a piano concerto in the same year in Budapest. Till then he
had established himself as a piano virtuoso.
Beethoven Piano Concertos
Beethoven Piano Concertos were admired throughout the world and are
still known as masterwork. He wrote several concertos out of which seven
are very famous. These include Piano Concerto No. 1 in 1796-97, Piano
Concerto No. 2 in 1795, Piano Concerto No. 3 in 1800-01, Triple Concerto
for violin, cello and piano in 1805, Piano Concerto No.4 in 1805-06,
Piano Concerto No. 5 in 1809-10 and an unpublished Piano Concerto in
1815. The last one was performing version and was incomplete. It was
later on completed by Nicholas Cook. Along with this, he had also
written Violin Concerto in 1806 and Romance in E minor for three
soloists and orchestra.
Beethoven Sonatas
Beethoven Sonatas constitute a great treasure that have been researched
and studied by numerous pianists and musicologists. He had written
thirty-two piano sonatas creating a new and impressive form of art. He
played an important role in transforming and evolving of the sonata
form. He had imposed his personality and joys and sorrows of his own
life on the sonatas.

Beethoven Symphonies
Beethoven had also composed nine symphonies including Symphony No. 1 in
1799-1800, Symphony No. 2 in 1801-02, Symphony No. 3 in 1803-04,
Symphony No. 4 in 1806, Symphony No. 5 in 1804-08, Symphony No. 6 in
1804-08, Symphony No. 7 in 1811-12, Symphony No. 8 in 1812 and Symphony
No.9 in 1817-24. He also intended to write the tenth symphony but
because of his ill health, he could not do so.
Other Works
His other works include five orchestral works, around ten overtures and
incidental music composition, chamber music including string trios,
piano trios, sonatas for violin, works with wind instruments and cello
with piano. String quarters, string quintets and trio for piano, flute
and Bassoon, and so on are some other noticeable works of Beethoven.
In 1801, Beethoven confessed to his worry of becoming deaf but he
carried on with his music compositions and explored many other musical
domains. His handicap was getting worse day by day and in later years he
stopped talking to people. It was during this time that he wrote
exceptional sonatas and symphonies for piano music, his greatest work.
He also wrote one opera, Fidelio.
Beethoven was bedridden during last of months of his life and died on
March 26, 1827 during a thunderstorm. His funeral was attended by around
30,000 people, obviously the fans of