Can you really believe that using only music can help you in getting back to life, in particular using musics by Beethoven, in fact only several rare musics which can do such things. You see, we all know how busy life can get. In case you have kids, animals, commitments, life is often a quick paced non cease roller coaster. When someone recommends they ought to take some time out of our day & meditate, most of us raise an eyebrow & think, who has time for that! It is a fact, they are all under time pressure, but did you know meditation doesn't need to be a major dedication. In case you need the benefits of meditation without the time commitments try a few mindfulness exercises, it is a style of meditation that is a tiny bit different.
Are you able to keep in mind the last time you listened?
Mindfulness exercises are literally exercises that focus your mind on something which in turn creates a different point of view. This idea is very similar to mediation. A number of us even call this day dreaming. Answer this query truthfully, when was the last time you sat down & listened to a song? I don't mean driving down the freeway with it blaring on the stereo, I mean full concentration, actually feeling the music. Not only does this take some time, it also requires a tiny setup.
How to generate a personal mindfulness exercise surroundings
Generating your own personal surroundings is now simpler than it ever was. ipods, iphones, ipads, iwhatever actually let us generate personal surroundings like no other. You can use these devices to generate something special, you can use these devices to generate a meditation surroundings virtually anywhere.
How Beethoven Can Help
You'll need a song with minimal words, preferably a classic song, or at the very least a song with words you know well. Now, in lieu of staring out the window listen to the song. Try not to let your mind wander on thoughts other than the song, keep bringing it back to the song. Let your mind focus, let it drift in to the song. Let your mind be in the song for the whole time. Open your ears up to all of the song, try & listen to all the different instruments. If it is Opera, be in audience & picture the singer, if it is classical feel the mood of the music. One time the song is done congratulate yourself, you done a mindfulness exercise.
It is about finding time
Mindfulness exercise is important, which means you need to try to find the time. Here's a few times in the day where I find I can zone out, hopefully you have at least of these as well:
Yes, it is hard to find the time. However, here's a thought experiment that you can think about. They find time to eat, they find time to drink, they find time to sleep, they find time to speak to friends, so if something is important they find time.
- In the coursework of my lunch time
- On the train to & from work
- late at night before "lights out"
Meditation is not special poses & lovely Japanese gardens. It is basically about taking a tiny amount of time out for your self.
It turn out his music didn't just giving us such pleasure as a fan, it can also be a very reliable medication for stress, that's how great Beethoven is ^_^