Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Beethoven's Personality

beethoven personalityFor the world of the most famous classical composers of today are certainly Mozart and Beethoven. In this article we will include a careful examination of the person to comment on the composer - Beethoven. His life story twists and turns a very interesting read and supported by the soundtrack of his music shows him to be a true and rare genius.

It is well known that Beethoven was a strong personality and first-hand many of his colleagues, was quite difficult, a time to get understand with, or in fact. No doubt, deafness large Mans and his obsession to hide the fact, contributed to his behavior seems strange and stubborn.

Through his music, it is clear to see for the whole world that he was a man of noble and lofty thoughts and ideals, even if his personal treatment of several of his colleagues was particularly scathing critics and moralists, to say the less. Known to be a stubborn man his time living in the house of Prince Lichnowsky's house a select group of people allowed him to intimate that most of them know in advance.
beethoven personality
It would be contrary to the common protocol and too late for dinner, do not care about time or the label of punctuality. Many accounts note his clothes, and how often it appears unkempt and unshaven. For Beethoven, born in a noble was no real value and should give you right to remove any automatically obtain, were the things that a person had to gain by their conduct in life.

The fact that the hearing had begun to disappear, still young and with a bright future as a pianist performing in front of him can not be underestimated. In its efforts to hide his infirmity there was no doubt peoples opinion of him as a strange, awkward, and a hermit. This fact is primarily responsible for the behavior of both Beethoven in his later years, especially after 1801, when he finally agreed that his condition was incurable.

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